Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bug 8544896 Waits for "enq: RO - fast object reuse" with high DBWR CPU

Hi All,

There was observed some issues with performance on #Production database. Checkpoint process is locking some other processes running on database.
Cause of the issue is a bug. It was already identified and remediated last year (workaround provided by oracle was applied):

Bug 8544896  Waits for "enq: RO - fast object reuse" with high DBWR CPU

This problem is introduced in

Sessions can wait on "enq: RO - fast object reuse" while DBWR consumes
lots of CPU when performing truncate type operations.

 Flush the buffer cache before truncating
 set _db_fast_obj_truncate = FALSE.

It looks like issue is reoccurring again now, and workaround  didn’t helped to fix this permanently.
If You will observer similar issue, or if You will be asked to look on it, please try to follow up below 3 steps to identify and confirm if thi is same issue.
If database owner will confirm/agree, flush buffer cache to solve lock:

1. check if lock exist on tabase
            select 'SID ' || l1.sid ||' is blocking ' || l2.sid blocking
      from v$lock l1, v$lock l2
      where l1.block =1 and l2.request > 0
      and l1.id1=l2.id1
      and l1.id2=l2.id2
2. identify locked processes, if checkpoint process is the locker
            col "SID/SERIAL" format a10
      col username format a15
      col osuser format a20
      col program format a40
      select s.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SID/SERIAL"
      , s.username
      , s.osuser
      , p.spid "OS PID"
      , s.program
      from v$session s
      , v$process p
      Where s.paddr = p.addr
      and s.sid = 204 --SID
      order by to_number(p.spid)
3. if that's the issue, please confirm with appteam and execute below. lock should disapear, but it may take couple of minutes:
            alter system flush buffer_cache;

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